Channels Power Tools – Editing avanzato con i canali
Uno strumento potente e versatile per migliorare il tuo flusso di lavoro in Photoshop. Utilizza le maschere insite nei canali ed il potente comando Applica Immagine per recuperare le informazioni già presenti nella tua immagine. Channels Power Tool migliora il controllo, la precisione e la produttività. Sviluppato da Giuliana Abbiati.

- Genera con un click l’anteprima dei canali disponibili.RGB, CMYK, Lab, HSB, falso nero 80%
- Usa i canali disponibili per ottenere maschere di precisione con la funzione Applica Immagine 70%
- Crea ed edita livelli di regolazioni Curve e sfuoca le maschere direttamente dal pannello 60%
Svizzera €30

Compatibilità, versione e manuale utente
Licenza singolo utente su due computer
Photoshop da CS5 a CC 2019
Non compatibile con PS CC 2020
Mac: OSX6 Snow Leopard e successivi
WIN: WindowXP e successivi
Versione corrente: 1.1.6
Scarica il manuale utente
Why Channels Power Tools
What to know first
Channels Power Tool is, as the name says, a very powerful tool. It allows us to work with Photoshop channels at unbelievable speed and with unseen control and it takes a step ahed the usability of one of the most important ingredients of every image: the channels. This preparatory section is aimed to introduce the characters we’re working with on a daily basis (whether you know it or not) and some concepts that can be an ace in lots of situations.
What Photoshop Channels are.
Within Photoshop we can find several kind of channels, but we will deal only with color channels, that compose our image and are signature of a specific color mode (Grayscale, RGB, Lab, CMYK, HSB etc), and alpha channels, the channels we create usually with the purpose of saving a selection, which itself is very volatile stuff and get lost, if everything goes well, when we close our file.
We can give a brief definition of a channel as “The representation of a selection in grayscale“.
“The keyword here is “representation”. Everyone knows how useful a selection is, maybe what is not so clear is that Photoshop gives us several ways to visualize (and therefore modify it). We are used to visualize a selection with the so called “marching ants” or maybe in Quick mask mode. But it is also possible to visualize a selection as a grayscale image, like every time we use a layer mask.
Channels works exactly in this way: they show with a different shade of grey if a given pixel is selected, and how much. In RGB a completely white pixel (when we look at a specific channel) means “this pixel is (totally) selected“, while a pitch black pixel means “this pixel is (totally) not selected.
Guess what a medium gray means? Let’s try with an example: create a RGB file and manually paint the R (Red) channel completely white, then paint G (Green) and B (Blue) pitch black. How our file is gonna be? Exactly, pure red. The values of our channels will be R=255, G=0, B=0. Doing this we told Photoshop that we want that the red component of the file must be totally selected, while not Green nor Blue must take art in creating our composite image.
Let’s take a more common example: a landscape with a blue sky in a bright sunny day. Try to visualize how channels will be in the sky area. Blue ill be, for sure, the brightest channel, Red the darkest and Green would be somewhere in the middle. Learn how to take advantage of the inner election hidden in every channel means we can obtain extremely complex selection, pixel precise and really with no effort.
At the very beginning it’s hard to pre-visualize the structure of each channels and you need to check them one by one toggling the visibility in he Channels panel. Here it comes CPT, that let’s you, with literally just one click, see the structure of each channel at a glance. Not only in RGB or the color mode you are using, but in all three main Photoshop color modes (RGB, Lab and CMYK) at the same time.

Get on the fly the preview of all available Channels un-depending from the color mode of your file, include HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness), no longer available in Photoshop.
Open the next toggle to read more.
Apply Image
Image>Apply image is one of older Photoshop functions and let us us copy-paste channels or layers (our source) on channels,layers or layer masks (our destination). You can change the opacity of the source you’re applying, its blending mode or you can also mask it choosing a channel.
The Apply button of Channels Power Tool summon this function that, for unknown reason, doesn’t have a default shortcut. Apply image works also between different files, and in the likely case the file has multiple layers (the most common situation), it allows to make to choose which layer should be the source. The only condition that Apply Image requires to be used between different files is that these must be opened at the same time in Photoshop and share exactly the same size (in pixel) of width and height.
What is GCR and how it can be useful to you.
GCR means Grey Component Replacement.
This concept works for CMYK color mode, where we can obtain the same color in different ways using different values combinations for the four primaries. Everything became clear if we consider a color composed by different elements, generically speaking luminosity, tint and saturation. Luminosity is the equivalent of the grey strength of a color: how much dark or bright we perceive this color.
We can have two colors with the same tint and saturation (i.e. a certain red) but different luminosity. Let’s call them a dark red and a bright red for ease sake. What distinguish them is the luminosity. In CMYK we have the theoretical possibility to obtain a grey in two distinct ways: blending proper quantities of CMY or using just the K.
This can take to a lot of issues in we are going to print in offset, but in our hypothetical example let’s imagine things work in a perfect, mathematical way. Let’s say we want to obtain a medium grey. In RGB we would only have R=128 G=128 B=128. In CMYK (considering a Coated FOGRA39 profile) we can reach this result in (at least) two different ways: with just a K=50, meaning we have C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50, or leaving K=0 and using only CMY components like this: C=58 M=48 Y=47 K=0. Now we got lots of different possible combinations, adding a little K and subtracting CMY in a right proportion. This is exactly GCR: how we transform our grey component when converting to CMYK. A low GCR will use a lot of CMY and small K (K will be lighter), a high GCR will use a lot of K and less CMY (K will be darker) while a medium GCR will be something in the middle.
This explanation leaves a lot of dark areas in explaining this concept, but nonetheless let us understand how a custom GCR could be useful: to obtain a K darker or lighter, that we can use as a mask, a selection or anything we could think about.
Channels Power Tool | Videotutorial di Giuliana Abbiati
1. Channels Power Tools Overview
- How to open the panel, dock and undock
- Increase of speed, quality and productivity
- Work colour modes: RGB, Lab, CMYK
Overview of features:
- Evaluate, choose and edit the most appropriate mask
- Evaluate all the channels of your files with one click
- Live channels preview.
- Load the channels on the same file or duplicate.
- Load in your document a specific channel as an alpha channel.
- Apply or Blend a single channel into a layer mask, an empty channel or a layer.
2. A Detailed Description of Channels Power Tool
- How to open, expand, collapse, dock and undock the panel.
- Know your enemy to win the war.
- Analyze your file, his weaknesses and strengths, browsing his channels.
Channels Preview.
- Check the file channels at full screen using the radio buttons.
- Check the destination of your loaded channel and apply it.
- Speed and performance with large files.
Generate Preview
- Generate a preview document with 10 channels with one click.
- Evaluate density and structure of different channels.
Load Channels
- Load any channel as an alpha channel.
- Load them un-dependently from the file colour mode. CPT will convert them preserving their appearance.
- Use the calculation command to create complex masks.
- Use the option “state before load”
- Load all the channels in a breeze.
- Load channels on the original or duplicate option.
- Delete all them simply clicking on the trash button.
Apply a Channel
- Apply, change opacity or blending mode with the powerful apply image option. In seconds instead of minutes.
- Try different option adding new lyres or replacing the previous.
Channels Loaded and Alpha Channels
- Manage alpha channels to create selections.
- Trash with one click all the alpha channels or only those created with CPT.
Quick access to other functions.
- Stamp on top
- Gaussian Blur
- Add or edit a curve
- Adjust curve edit button with a large floating window.
- Edit a curve adjustment layer.
- Fake k, editing the GCR.