PS Projects | Files Manager per Photoshop
Sviluppato da Davide BarrancaPS Projects facilità la gestione dei tuoi file
PS Projects permette di creare, caricare e modificare file di progetto come collezioni di immagini di qualunque formato, da qualunque cartella,come file di riferimento, che per qualche motivo avete bisogno di aprire spesso in Photoshop. L’upgrade gratuito alla versione 2 permetterà inoltre funzioni di copia, batch e di controllo.
- Leggero, veloce e funzionale 50%
- Numero illimitato di archivi incrociati 60%
- Aggiornamento gratuito alla potente versione 2 70%
Compatibility: Photoshop CC2014, CC and CS6
Mac, Maverick included / WIN 32 & 64bit, WIN 8 included
Current Version 1.0
Buy PS Projects Single License >
22% Vat added to EU Customers
Why PS Projects
Have you ever had the need to open the same set of images more than once, maybe because you’re a UX designer working on a project that includes dozens of assets, or a still life photographer post-producting images that the Art Director has finally chosen for the Ad campaign, from the hundreds you’ve shot in total?
PS Projects implements the idea of Project Files: a lightweight, encrypted file that contains only the links to the assets you want to open in Photoshop.

How Does it Work?
Create a New Project selecting files from any folder in you hard disk, any format that PS can open: PSD, TIFF, JPG, DNG, etc. and Save a .psproject file with a meaningful name.
Each time you need that very set of images, just Load the .psproject file and you’ll get them all opened in Photoshop in a glance.
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