VitaminBW | Single and Triple Tone B&W Converter
Based on a brand new concept VitaminBW create one black and white version with rich and brilliant tonal gradations. “Triple Tone” option with one click, serves you on a silver tray three different tonal versions, all in a single Photoshop document to choose the best or blend two or more. VitaminBW will dramatically change your approach to black & white conversion.
Single Tone
The Vitaminized Basic Conversion with rich and brilliant tonal gradations. The conversion comes grouped with a flat layer to tweak the contrast and a mask to correct any unwanted halo.
Triple Tone
The Core feature of VitaminBW. Get three tonal versions with one click. Choose one or blend two or more versions with unparalleled results. A quick jump to advanced b&w conversion techniques
Color Filters
A full range of great color filters, starting from the Red, the crazy horse of tonal conversion, with the best and the worst of anything. All filtered layers come with a neutral layer to tweak them.
Change the tint of your image: cold, warm or mixed. Our algorithm preserves the highlights to obtain more pleasant color and tonal contrast. You can decrease or saturate the hue.
Two Minutes Tutorial | Watch Here How Vitamin and Triple Tone Work
Download a sample file shown in the screencast
To further understand how VitaminBW works we suggest you download the sample file containing all the versions.
Play with layers opacity and masks to appreciate the versatility and the power of Triple Tone.
Check out all the delicate additional tonalities of the sky in the orange version that was not possible to show in the screencast.
Paint on the mask of the blue layer to touch with your hands the unbelievable improvement of the foliage that is not achievable in any other way.
Triple Tone Step by Step
Here below an example of how Triple Tone works on a beauty file. Open the toggle content to read more.
Manually navigate back and forth using the keyboard left/right arrow keys or swipe on devices.
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Technical notes & Photo Credits
- We got this steps just pressing the “Triple Tone” button. Also, you can see two variations on the default Blue and Orange.
- Original. The file is nice and in color works well.
- Flat layer. Similar to Lab luminosity. As you can see the file have lost a great part of his contrast. Read why in the toggle. Do your Black & White Conversions Look Flat?”. With this file, you can tweak the contrast reducing the opacity of the VitaminBW layer or paint in the white mask with a soft black brush to remove unwanted halos.
- Vitamin BW layer. Filter: None.
- Vitamin BW layer. Filter: Blue – A more exotic look, probably a bit excessive. Orchids are amazing!
- Vitamin BW layer. Filter: Blue reducing the opacity at 70%. Well balanced.
- Vitamin BW layer. Filter: Orange. A bit lack of contrast with a fascinating skin result.
- Vitamin BW layer. Filter: Orange with a curve layer added for a bit more punch.
So VitaminBW proposed you three different tonal variations. A default one, already very good, one with an exotic look and with beautiful orchids and one very sweet, with a very nice skin rendition. It’s up to you and your creativity to get the most out from this versions.
© / SubbotinaSingle and triple tone examples. To help you to understand how Vitamin BW works we added the Photoshop layers.
Manually navigate back and forth using the keyboard left/right arrow keys or swipe on devices.
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Technical notes & Photo Credits
- First subject. Fire on the Mincio valley
- Original. The file is nice and in color works well.
- Flat layer. Similar to Lab luminosity. Losing the color contrast the file has a severe lack of contrast. This flat layer may be useful to tweak the contrast reducing the opacity of the VitaminBW layer or paint in the white mask with a soft black brush to remove unwanted halos.
- We applied Triple Tone. This is the VitaminBW layer. Filter: None. A great starting point. The foliage is a bit confused.
- Vitamin BW layer. Filter: Blue – with a Stunning improvement of the foliage. The water also looks better.
- We filled the blue layer mask with black and painted with a soft white brush to reveal ONLY the best of the blue version, in this case, the foliage and the water. Watch the black mask in the example. We didn’t add the orange version, but this can even improve the sky tones.
- All this process seem to be complicated, but it takes a couple of minutes, including the evaluation of the version. However, the blue version without any masking could be the right choice. The advantage of Triple Tone is that it offers three version, often unexpected
- © Roberto Bigano
- Second subject. Portrait of Giuseppe Andretta, Photoshop Instructor
- Original
- Flat layer. Unacceptable from the tonal point of view. Of course, you could work with the curves, but the result should be not so good.
- Single tone. No Filter. Big improvement but with a gruesome halo around the head.
- A quick retouch painting with a soft black brush on the white mask. Straightforward and fast. This was possible because in general, the flat layer below has a similar tonal value.
- © Marco Casino | Photographer and Leica Ambassador > Picture taken with a LeicaS with Summarit-S 70mm f/2.5 ASPH Lens. Thanks to Giuseppe Andretta > Photoshop and Teacher-in-a-Box Instructor
Compatibility Version 1.0.4
- Photoshop CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6
- MAC: All version of OS compatible with the above Photoshop versions, Yosemite included
- WIN: All version of OS compatible with the above Photoshop versions, WIN10 included
Changes in 1.0.4
- Same features and performance than 1.0.3
- Now the interface display correctly in CC 2015 and CC 2015-1
Changes in 1.0.3
- Same features than 1.0.1 but with full compatibility with CC 2015
- In CC 2014, CC, CS6, the user can install 1.0.1 with Adobe Extension Manager or 1.0.3 manually.
Changes in 1.0.1
- Once applied Triple Tone display the groups closed, in order to let you to compare quickly the three versions simply activating the eye icons. In this mode you can change the version opacity , blending options or painting on the mask. In case of more advanced editing simply open the group in order to display all available layers. See the image below.
- Now the group naming is correctly displayed in this sequence: process, filter, hue
Black&White Conversion. Triple Tone Boosts Your Creativity >
By Roberto Bigano
Elio Marchi Black&White Portfolio >
VitaminBW: a Steady Path to Black-and-White >
By Marco Olivotto
…I’ve downloaded it and I LOVE it! This is fantastic!! I was so excited to use Vitamin BW that I purchased a PSCC subscription just so I could try it out…
…it is a great tool that offers me unimagined possibilities in black and white conversion…
Read More on VitaminBW
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