Documentation Download
User manuals, actions, sample files and additional documentation
The Brand New Interactive Manuals
We completely redesigned the user manuals, to make them more user-friendly. They are now readily available from the plugin panel, by just clicking on the book icon. The links on the front page take you directly to the relevant section of the manual. The pages include links to additional external content like training pages, tutorials and more. Some of the content is currently in the works and will be available soon. Click on the images to read or download the latest version of the manuals

User manuals | Plugins for Photoshop Creative Cloud
ALCE Test Action
What is this Action for
ALCE test Action is a Photoshop action which automatically creates eight ALCE layers with different radius values, from 1 to 350.
You can choose ALCE to be applied with or without Turbo (Softer) option to see the difference between the two methods.
From the direct comparison between the different layers you will learn how different radii work better than every theoretical explanation.
The 3F Package
Try free the Hasselblad 3F System
- The package contains:
- 35mm b&w negative 3F
- Medium format color negative 3F
- 4×5 inches transparency 3F
- Flexcolor installer MAC/WIN
- The “Imacon 3F” plugin
- The user manual in several languages
Sample Files
VitaminBW Sample File | Fire in Mincio Valley
The zipped file contains all the version described in the Manual Case History
Subject: Triple tone
© Roberto Bigano 2005
VitaminBW Sample File | Ropeway on the Alps
The zipped files contain, No Filter, Red with Standard and Boost Conversion.
© Roberto Bigano 2000
Analogic file from 4×5 transparency
Download the layered test file
Note: The Red Filter is often outstanding, but please handle it with care; especially in the blue areas it may generate a lot of noise; see the top right sky, Moderate the USM effect in the original. Notice the anti-haze effect on the mountains.